Pilot Program: Supporting Farmers in Rural India
To test the prototype, CLEAR Global partnered with Indian tech company Gram Vaani (GV), which was looking to help farmers in Bihar, India, facing climate change-related challenges.
“These mostly subsistence farmers are dealing with changing rainfall patterns, veterinary diseases they aren’t familiar with, fires, and drought — impacts that affect whether they can feed their families and take care of their loved ones,” Ansari said. “Low literacy, lack of internet, lack of information in Hindi, and a paucity of agricultural support staff meant that it was hard to find a solution.”
CLEAR Global developed a targeted version of TILES by using their own speech data to refine an open-source AI voice model. TILES responds in Hindi to questions about the impact of climate change on farming. Specifically, the information addresses concerns that GV uncovered when speaking to local farmers, many of whom mentioned topics such as agricultural seasons, weather predictions, and practices to adapt to climate change.
“We followed a human-centered design approach to ensure that the process and the technology we built would be useful, identifying locations where farmers regularly visited and asking them the questions they wanted answers to,” Ansari explained.
TILES devices were placed in two shops: one that sells seeds and another that sells electronics. GV observed 200 people using them and interviewed 30 users (almost all men aged 18-45).
The results were impressive:
- 87% said that it answered their questions correctly.
- 61% found the information relevant.
- 95% said they’d use the system again.
“In this age of Alexa and Siri, a voice-enabled tool that answers your questions may not seem innovative to us; but to the farmers in rural India, this is magic,” Ansari said. “A text-only version would not have reached the people it needed to.”
GV also gathered valuable feedback that CLEAR Global will use to improve the system, such as adding an on/off switch and tweaking the user interface. Given the success of the pilot program, the organizations hope to scale the project with expanded content and an improved system.