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An LSP-Friendly Payment Partner That Moves at the Speed of Business

Supported by Tipalti


n the 21st century, business never rests. And that goes double for language service providers (LSPs). Faced with shorter, more urgent deadlines than ever, they need to deliver for their clients, employees, and freelancers as quickly as possible. While clients, as the principal source of revenue, can typically count on quick action, successful business leaders know they can’t disappoint their employees and freelancers, either. After all, they’re the ones who deliver the goods and guarantee that client revenue. Keeping them happy with manageable workloads and prompt compensation is simply good business.

But when you’re dealing with a complex web of employees and freelancers, often scattered across the globe in different countries with unique currencies, regulations, and expectations, it’s vital to dot every “i” and cross every “t.” And no one does that better than Tipalti. With the experience to unite teams across national borders, they ensure clients meet their financial obligations promptly and without error.

MultiLingual spoke with the Tipalti team to learn how they keep business flowing for their clients worldwide.

How does Tipalti make it easier for LSPs to manage their payments? Why is the company such a good fit for LSPs?

Tipalti specializes in helping businesses worldwide improve complex payment processes. Our company was originally founded in 2010 to help ad tech businesses manage payments to a growing number of publishers. Our team quickly realized the breadth of applications a mass payments provider could have across industries.

Tipalti’s solution is a natural fit for LSPs because our tool is designed for international businesses. With the ability to help make payments in 196 countries and over 120 currencies, Tipalti simplifies how LSPs work with their translators, interpreters, or other language experts. In today’s fast-paced world, LSPs need business solutions that can act as quickly as their language experts do; with Tipalti, language businesses can rest assured that all of their international payments will be handled quickly, easily, and efficiently.

Unlike other payment companies, Tipalti is a licensed money transmitter. As an approved Money Services Business (MSB) with its own banking rails in both the United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK), Tipalti can offer the same level of services around payments as a bank. An MSB license allows Tipalti to control the entire compliance review process, meaning we can help expedite how quickly our customers can make payments using our platform. Without the appropriate Money Transmitter License, payment businesses are at the mercy of the banks for approval to send payments to their client’s payees.

Managing payments across several different languages and regulatory standards is easier said than done. How does Tipalti introduce harmony to these discordant systems?

Tipalti helps growth-oriented, multinational companies take their financial operations to the next level. Handling complex payment processes is in our DNA and is part of our core mission as a company: helping you handle your most challenging payments and finance operations.

We partner with leading financial technology companies to ensure the businesses we serve have a clear plan to synchronize their technology, people, and processes to help ensure long-term success. Identifying partnerships with software providers that our customers use to improve their finance operations — such as accounting and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems — is critical to helping keep customers up to date on compliance and regulatory requirements. Tipalti’s tax engine is certified annually by KPMG to ensure our clients have as smooth a filing process as possible.

When dealing with a freelance-heavy industry like language work, onboarding new workers efficiently is a major concern. How does Tipalti help with this task?

Streamlining the supplier onboarding process is critical across all businesses and industries, but it’s especially important when your business relies on freelancers, as many LSPs do. With Tipalti, LSPs can design a custom, self-service onboarding experience for language experts. Companies can customize the look and feel of their onboarding portal and have the option of embedding an iFrame into the HTML of their website.

Seamless onboarding sets you up for success by creating a better experience for your language experts, leading to stronger relationships. Translators can quickly and easily check payment status and accuracy via the self-service portal, saving time for your internal team while providing a better user experience. Moreover, the Tipalti system has 26,000 global rules built-in to help avoid payment issues or errors before they happen, while also automatically checking data against international sanctions codes, US Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) blacklists, and more. A seamless onboarding process, which helps reduce payment errors by 66% or more, gives LSPs more time back in their day to focus on strategic growth.

Ensuring that freelancers are paid promptly is another major source of concern. How does Tipalti speed up this process?

Tipalti provides LSPs a single source of truth for paying out their freelancers. Before working with Tipalti, many businesses in the language industry need to manage and maintain banking relationships across several, if not dozens, of countries to ensure their freelance and contract workers were paid accurately, in their preferred currency, and on time. With Tipalti, businesses can manage all of their banking and payment needs through a single system, offering better overall business visibility while giving the business a better chance to make payments on time and accurately.

Tipalti indicates that it can substantially reduce payable workload with its automated services. How does Tipalti offload so much of the human effort?

According to the Institute of Financial Management, accounts payable (AP) is the most time-consuming function in finance. Automating AP is a no-brainer for many companies looking to regain time for strategic initiatives. Tipalti helps businesses address their payment challenges holistically, starting with supplier management and regulatory compliance to reconciliation with their ERP or accounting system of record and more.

Making even one supplier, freelancer, or contractor payment can be daunting, and figuring out how to automate all payments can greatly impact operational efficiency. Having a single system to manage payments eliminates the need for your team to confirm standard payment information like account number or routing number — and if any changes are needed, your suppliers, freelancers, or contractors can make them through a self-service portal. With regulatory compliance built into Tipalti, businesses can feel confident that year-end tax calculations are done properly while ensuring all payment information is fed into their accounting system for tracking and audit purposes.

Many of our customers had three or more employees managing payments before implementing Tipalti. With Tipalti, businesses can often reallocate employees towards more strategic and growth initiatives since automated processes can manage payments so efficiently.

Another major benefit of Tipalti is risk reduction. How does it help eliminate the risk of fraud and other issues for LSPs and their workers?

With more than 26,000 rules built into the system, Tipalti helps companies remain compliant with global regulatory requirements. For example, during onboarding, Tipalti constantly runs payee data checks to ensure the supplied information is accurate and up to date. Tipalti tracks contact details, account numbers, email addresses, payments, and more to help proactively uncover patterns and identify potential fraudsters within your network. With more than 7,400 payees blocked and $4 million in potential savings, our proactive AI-powered fraud detection solution, Tipalti Detect, cuts down on risk without adding any work to you or your team.

Giovanni Donatelli


Toni Tornell

ULG VP Corporate Finance & Controller

Jeffrey Evans

Acclaro VP of Finance

Client Testimonials

Clearly, Tipalti knows a thing or two about maximizing value for its clients irrespective of their location on the globe. But internal claims are one thing, and direct feedback from clients is another. Fortunately, Tipalti clients have glowing reports, so we asked some of them to share their perspectives.

How does technology drive your business strategy forward, and what do you look for from technology providers?

Acclaro (Jeffrey Evans, Vice President of Finance): By leveraging the right technology and partnering with reliable providers like Tipalti, we can enhance our strategic capabilities, improve operational efficiency, and deliver superior customer experiences.

United Language Group (ULG) (Toni Tornell, Vice President Corporate Finance & Controller): We are looking for technology that provides scalability so our systems can handle an increased volume of work as we grow. We also look for efficiencies so we can maintain or reduce the workload of our employees, while simultaneously controlling risk, maintaining strict security measures, and providing a better product to our clients. We are always looking for ways to be as efficient as possible via automation, which reduces the number of manual tasks our team must do, reduces the number of human errors, and improves the overall quality of the work we deliver. Investing in the right technology initiatives that reduce manual processes and improve cash flow helps us be competitive by better serving our clients and retaining and attracting the best talent.

The Language Group (TLG) (Giovanni Donatelli, Chief Executive Officer): Technology is a big driver in our business strategy. We are constantly looking at our operational bottlenecks and seeing where technology can bring efficiencies to our internal operations while also bringing savings to our clients, thereby keeping us competitive. What we look for in a technology partner is someone who can understand our problems and be transparent about whether they can solve them, while also being competitively priced. I see these types of relationships as the kind that would allow us to grow together. Therefore, I don’t want to get sticker shock up front.

How do efficient business practices — for instance, ensuring timely payments and clear communication — factor into maintaining good relationships with your language experts?

Acclaro: Efficient business practices are crucial for maintaining strong and positive relationships with our linguistic community. Linguists often manage multiple clients and rely on timely payments for their financial stability. Ensuring prompt payments helps them manage their finances better, reduces stress, and focus on delivering quality work for our clients.

ULG: As finance leaders, we are always seeking better ways to manage cash flow and reduce costs, while keeping our vendors happy. In addition to having competitive rates and completely flexible work schedules, we keep our linguists happy by providing a user-friendly payment platform that we use as the single source of truth for payment details, tax and compliance, reconciliations, and reporting.

TLG: We pay competitive rates on a regular schedule. We keep our language experts informed on all developments (operational, financial, and regulatory). We believe in relationship building. Our goal is to create a process where our staff can manage communication with hundreds of language experts, and each expert has their own special relationship with our company.

How does your finance team support healthy relationships with your language experts? Can you share any stories about how they’ve adapted to provide a better experience?

Acclaro: Finance focuses on making the onboarding and payment process for language experts efficient, while also providing as many payment options as possible. Using technology integrations with our payment partners, we have implemented secure data collection for sensitive payment information that also provides resources with their preferred local payment options, worldwide. Paying our language experts accurately and on time is an essential goal of our finance operations, and we use technology partnerships to meet this goal.

ULG: The finance team partners with our linguists to ensure we are providing the visibility they need to see their income and ensuring we are complying with all local laws and regulations. Our linguists can log in to the portal to see exactly what is owed, when their bills will be paid, and their prior payments, as well as self-manage their payment profile.

TLG: One of the biggest changes in our relationships with our language experts is the updating of our financial systems over the past two years. Changing how they report their work, track their payments, and receive payments is a large undertaking. This has involved coordinating many parties within our company to ensure this transition is efficient. Whenever a new communication is sent out, we assign a team to field questions, and then we have milestones of when we expect to implement a change. And we try to give ourselves and our language experts enough time to ensure no one is left behind once the change goes into effect.

Tell us about the global nature of your business — about how many countries and territories do you work with? How does having a tool that supports you globally help your business grow?

Acclaro: Acclaro has a global presence. Leveraging a payment tool that supports international transactions helps us build stronger cross-border partnerships with our linguistic community and other suppliers. From multi-currency support and localized payment methods, having a partner to support us in managing international vendor relationships makes us more efficient and ultimately helps facilitate revenue growth and a competitive advantage.

ULG: We have offices in five countries and work with over 10,000 linguists and over 149 Fortune 500 companies, located throughout the world. We are dealing with multiple languages, currencies, and product types, so having technology tools that help us seamlessly navigate the challenges that come with working with clients and vendors from around the world is critical. We’re able to process over 20,000 vendor bills in a few hours and could easily double the volume without needing any additional resources. This allows us to scale up efficiently to support our evolving client needs.

TLG: We have clients in two countries, but we have language experts in dozens of countries. Therefore, we need the proper tools to manage payments with many different banking systems, while also ensuring we comply with international financial laws between the US and the recipient countries. We are happy that Tiplati allows us to address these issues in a budget-friendly and process-friendly manner.

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