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App, as we know, stands for “all people participate.” Or if it doesn’t, then it might as well: apps have become nearly ubiquitous.

I recently told someone that I don’t use apps, because I only use 11 with even a biannual degree of regularity. I mean, I’m not counting the camera icon and the notes icon as apps, because they’re just part of the phone and don’t need an internet connection or phone signal to work. But should I be counting them? Which brings me to an interesting conundrum: do I even know what an app actually is?

According to my Google query, “It’s a piece of software that can run through a web browser or even offline on your computer, phone, tablet or any other electronic device. Apps may or may not have a connection to the internet.”

In which case, I only use 19 apps regularly. That’s not that many. I’m practically an app nun. I only spend a couple of hours a day staring at my apps. Or at least, that’s what I’d like to estimate when I’m evaluating my productivity.

It should be apparent by now why it’s important to localize your app, right? If you’re competing for space with heaven-only-knows how many other apps on the market, and users are thinking they only want the essentials on their phones, the app better be easy for them to navigate in their own language (preferably in about three seconds flat) or it will be swiftly deleted.

If you’re not sure how to do this, read on — we’ve got some good suggestions.