launches the world’s most advanced language analysis Insight platform, a language technologies business, announces the launch of the world’s most advanced language analysis platform featuring 2.5 million data points on 7,168 living languages in 243 countries.  

The rise of globalization and artificial intelligence is driving the need for organizations to enter new countries & markets, offer diverse language options, and automate everything for everyone. In a world with 7,168 living languages, selecting the ‘right ones’ is a complex decision, requiring accurate data, advanced analytics, technical capabilities and linguistic expertise.  

Organizations optimizing their language-related choices open the doors to new consumers, increasing revenues and stimulating growth, yet the challenges of decision complexity and dataset scarcity involved mean all but the largest companies are being left behind – until now. 

Derivation’s newly released language Insight platform levels the playing field; providing instant access to the world’s most advanced multilingual decision-making solution. Using the combined power of superior datasets, advanced analysis and proprietary ‘datavis’ techniques, Derivation provides the deepest possible insight into every living language in every country from every dimension, explained using jargon-free plain English.

Stephen Jones, CEO of Derivation, said, “ Better data plus better analysis leads to better decisions. By leveraging our platform to analyze data on languages, countries, speakers, literacy, population, official languages, and other relevant factors, companies can identify potential markets, tailor their products and services, and develop effective marketing strategies. Organizations can gain a competitive edge in global markets, optimize their operations, recruit overseas talent with specific language expertise, and drive growth and profitability.”

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