Fix PRO Act and Reaffirm what California Got Right

MultiLingual invites opinion pieces such as this one from our readers. To share your ideas please contact Have you heard of the federal PRO...

AMN Languages Services Reports on LEP in Healthcare

AMN Languages Services, the division of AMN Healthcare that provides medical interpretation services, recently conducted a survey documenting the diversity of languages used in...

Natural Language Processing for Signed Languages

The fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) are rapidly advancing — recent developments in these fields allow for individuals to...

Improving Language Access for Local Rent Relief Programs

The Council for Court Excellence (CCE), a Washington, D.C.-based legal advocacy group, has recently published a letter calling on D.C.’s government to make its...

Lack of BSL Interpreters at COVID Briefings Exclusionary, Judge Finds

Two separate COVID-19 briefings in England were retroactively found to have excluded deaf individuals in the country, as the government did not provide a...

Afghan Interpreters Seek Special Immigrant Visas

Editor's note: This story was originally published in April and has been updated. The Biden administration announced on July 8 that flights to evacuate some...

New Mexico’s Language Access Services Best in U.S.

In its recently released Justice Index, the National Center for Access to Justice (NCAJ) named the state of New Mexico as the number one...

NHeLP’s Fight for Language Access During the Pandemic

The National Health Law Program (NHeLP) has recently filed a civil rights complaint arguing that numerous agencies at all levels within the United States...

Addressing Language Barriers in the Healthcare System

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has certainly shed light on the language gap in the United States’ healthcare system — all too often, individuals with...