In the early 1990s, I began my journey with MultiLingual by placing advertisements in the magazine. Some (old) people still remember a small classified ad that encouraged readers to “Forget Asia! Latin America has as many consumers as Europe and only requires two languages.”
Over the years, my engagement deepened as I contributed articles, sharing my insights and experiences. The wealth of knowledge I gained through MultiLingual‘s comprehensive coverage of pivotal topics in the language industry has been invaluable and continues to enrich my understanding to this day.
MultiLingual has been an important channel along the several stages of my career in localization, introducing new technologies, featuring professionals from all over the world that contribute with their experience, snippets of news from small and large players, great sales leads, and information about competitors and partners that I have collected along the way.
It’s a humbling experience to be featured in this issue alongside many remarkable talents, especially knowing that our inclusion was based on nominations from our colleagues and peers. This recognition is a testament to the collaborative and inspiring spirit that thrives within our industry. Let’s remain committed to both inspiring others and drawing inspiration from the innovative thinkers and doers in our space!