T-Index: The Languages With Most Purchasing Potential For Your Website

Ever wonder which languages offer the most purchasing potential for your website? You know, the languages that people actually use in that market, as opposed to the ones you thought they used? How do you know which translations are important?

Well, the folks at Translated can help you answer those question—and related ones—with their T-Index. T-Index is a statistical analysis that comes up with a percentage value that “indicates the market share of each language on the Internet and the languages that offer the best sales potential when translating your website.”

You can read more about the tool, assumptions, how to use it, and how it created on the Translated website. Watch out for an article about T-Index in a forthcoming issue of Multilingual.

This is a very valuable addition to the globalization toolbox of any company. Well worth checking out. But let’s not forget that purchasing power shouldn’t be the only reason you should be translating your website, or any other content for that matter…

Ultan O Broin
Ultan Ó Broin (@localization), is an independent UX consultant. With three decades of UX and L10n experience and outreach, he specializes in helping people ensure their global digital transformation makes sense culturally and also reflects how users behave locally. Any views expressed are his own. Especially the ones you agree with.


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