Translators and interpreters respond to the Covid-19 pandemic
What happens if critical messages aren’t communicated to Americans considered Limited English Proficient (LEP) citizens? To put it bluntly: how are we going to stop the spread if a group of 25 million Americans goes uninformed?
Google, gender and money
Google is scrambling to distance itself from a ten-page memo currently circulating around the internet and written by an employee. A male, self-described "classical...
Boaty McBoatface: Man versus Machine at Localization World
Yes, the whole Boaty McBoatface thing has now entered the language space too.
Parsey McParseface, part of Google's SyntaxNet, an open-source neural network framework implemented in TensorFlow...
Arabic Web Days
A great initiative is being launched by Google to increase the volume of Arabic web content on the web. Google tell us that to...
The Berlin Wall of Code
Too soon?
Hardly. I took that photograph at the Google Developer Day in Berlin in November 2011. Google runs these events globally. The event itself...
Google Translate is Finished. Again.
We've heard this before. This time it's somewhat truer. Google Translate itself ( isn't finished, but the API allowing third-party developers to use Google...