Remember those GILT industry conferences from years ago that used to be fun, engaging, relaxed, with a great mix of people – including new faces you’d never seen before? You know the type of event – the one where you could send 3 people and have change out of 1,000 Euros? Where you picked up some basics, heard new things, were inspired by a few new ideas you could try out, and didn’t feel you were in competition with the next guy or weren’t at ease because you weren’t a mega vendor? And of course, one that involved a pub?
Well, I just attended something like that: The European Language Industry Association Networking Days in Dublin. Multilingual was the media sponsor, and I went along to cover the event (check out the ELIA Twitter stream before it disappears), though somehow I ended up presenting in another capacity (another story). Watch out for some detailed coverage in Multilingual magazine soon.
Many thanks to John Terninko, Executive Director – and everyone else at ELIA – for making this event happen and for asking me along. Renato Beninatto (Who he? Ed.) is the new ELIA President. Looking forward to many more such events. Great ROI.