GALA TAPICC starts for real

TAPICC is an industry initiative supported by GALA, TAUS and LT-Innovate to tackle the challenge of translation industry application programming interfaces (APIs). Last week, GALA posted the TAPICC project charter for public review, encouraging clients, technologically-advanced LSPs, tools vendors as well as research and education players to join the discussion. On this project page you can review all relevant resources including the charter and the open source legal agreements before you decide to join.

Each volunteer who decides to join the GALA TAPICC Connect Group or contribute to the TAPICC Github Repository (yet to be set up) will be prompted to agree with the open source licensing conditions. GALA TAPICC plans in the future to submit stable technical and documentation deliverables of the TAPICC project for formal standardization to OASIS XLIFF OMOS TC, OASIS UBL TC or other suitable standardization bodies.

Unlike many standardization efforts driven by informal consortia or trade organizations, GALA took the legal aspect of things seriously and leads the work under clear open source conditions, which makes subsequent submissions to formal standardization bodies legally possible. It is the best way to protect community-driven spec or API from turning proprietary.

David Filip
David Filip is Chair (Convener) of OASIS XLIFF OMOS TC; Secretary, Editor and Liaison Officer of OASIS XLIFF TC; a former Co-Chair and Editor for the W3C ITS 2.0 Recommendation; and co-moderator of the Interoperability and Standards WG at JIAMCATT. He has been also appointed as NSAI expert to ISO TC37 SC3 and SC5, ISO/IEC JTC1 WG9, WG10 and SC38. His specialties include open standards and process metadata, workflow and meta-workflow automation. David works as a Research Fellow at the ADAPT Research Centre, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.


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