Ever wondered why companies like Microsoft located in Ireland? This story in Ireland’s Sunday Business Post of 22-April-2007 might help you:
Microsoft’s Irish subsidiary pays €3 billion dividend.
Of course, Microsoft Ireland is very heavily involved in localization.
The story continues:
An Irish subsidiary of Microsoft paid a dividend of almost €3 billion to its US parent last year. Microsoft Ireland Operations paid the dividend after making a pre-tax profit of more than €2 billion in the financial year to the end of June last. New accounts for Microsoft Ireland Operations show that the company had revenue of almost €9.5 billion last year, accounting for almost 30 per cent of Microsoft’s total worldwide revenue of €32.5 billion for the year.
30% of worldwide revenue! That’s impressive. Now, we’re not told if that’s US billions or the other kind (journalists not up on localization issues again), but I’d settle for a small percentage either way!
Disclosure: Yeah, I worked for Microsoft in their localization operation, and yes I do still own MSFT stock!