Saving Salish

If the Salish Native American language is to endure, it is up to the few remaining speakers and today’s youth together to save it.

Nothing new here. There are dying languages all over the world. But here in the Idaho/eastern Washington/western Montana area, with a fairly homogeneous population base, it is exciting to see the Native American heritage honored and strengthened.

This video, courtesy of Spokane, Washington’s Spokesman Review, describes the work and lets you hear some of the language:

More information on preserving Salish can be found at

the Salish Language Revitalization Institute’s website.

Marjolein Groot Nibbelink
Marjolein realized early on that the Netherlands was too small for her. After traveling to 30+ countries over the span of 10 years she moved to the United States in 2014. She holds a degree in Communication from the University of Rotterdam and has long had an affinity for creative writing.


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