Excessive verbiage typed into a chat room or IMS could suggest you’re lying. A report from Cornell University has found that monologuing liars
“talk too much, use more pronouns about others and use more terms about the senses, such as “see,” “hear” and “feel,” than people telling the truth, according to a new study by Cornell communication experts.
“Our study suggests that people who are lying to another person in a chat room or in instant messaging use approximately one-third more words, probably in their attempt to construct a more cohesive and detailed story in order to seem believable,” said Jeff Hancock, assistant professor of communication in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS).â€
On the other hand, if the ambient temperature isn’t warm enough in your office, you tnde to ùmake more typring mishtakes. Simson Garfinkel blogs yet another Cornell report :
“When the office temperature in a month-long study increased from 68 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit, typing errors fell by 44 percent and typing output jumped 150 percent. Hedge’s study was exploring the link between changes in the physical environment and work performance.
“The results of our study also suggest raising the temperature to a more comfortable thermal zone saves employers about $2 per worker, per hour,” says Hedge, who presented his findings this summer at the 2004 Eastern Ergonomics Conference and Exposition in New York City.
In other words, a chatroom liar in a cold room will type more and with more errors, than their truth-telling counterpart in a warm room. True or flase?