memoQ to Release Generative AI Translation Automation Tool

Budapest, October 12, 2023 — memoQ is developing a novel approach to translation automation called Adaptive Generative Translation (AGT), to be released later this year. memoQ invites users to express their interest by signing up on the waitlist to try memoQ AGT prior to the launch.

With memoQ AGT, translations are generated by a large language model (LLM), similar to the model powering the popular ChatGPT service. memoQ AGT provides instant domain adaptation to generate translations tailored to the customer’s existing language resources, and achieves this without the need to retrain or fine-tune the model itself. As a result, both the language data and the control over the translation process remain entirely with the customer.

“Translation automation is at its best when it is based on the user’s existing domain data”, explains Gábor Ugray, founder of memoQ and inventor of memoQ AGT. “An LLM can incorporate these data instantly and on a segment-by-segment basis. memoQ AGT offers the best of both worlds when it combines the generative power of an LLM with the high-quality linguistic data that users of memoQ translation management system (TMS) already have.”

“The data that’s needed for this is right there in the TMS,” Ugray adds, “because that’s where the user’s assets are stored — in translation memories, term bases, and corpora. In fact, the key to good generative translations is bilingual data management and data hygiene, which are the core functionalities of a TMS.”

memoQ AGT builds on memoQ’s existing LiveDocs and TM+ technologies, which allow users to add content to memoQ’s resources in large amounts and in a wide variety of formats, and make them ready for instant reuse. memoQ also partners with Microsoft Azure, both to provide for the infrastructure needs of memoQ TMS and for the LLMs to power memoQ AGT.

memoQ has filed a patent application for its AGT solution. The tool is currently being tested and integrated into memoQ’s other technologies and will be released to users later in 2023. memoQ invites users to express their interest by signing up on the waitlist. Those selected will receive exclusive access, prior to the launch, to try memoQ AGT with all the productivity benefits.

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