ALCA Annual Conference 2024: Pioneering the Future of Language Services in Africa

This online conference on August 28-29 will bring together industry professionals to discuss strategic partnerships, technological innovations, and the growth of language services across Africa. Register today!

ALCA Annual Conference 2024

Join the Association of Language Companies in Africa for its annual conference on August 28-29. Learn how to build a thriving language services business in Africa through insightful sessions and networking opportunities.

Women in Localization Launches Global Growth and Diversity Program

The program aims to create a more inclusive environment at WL. Initiatives include opening new Chapters in underrepresented areas and reaching out to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

ALCA Conference 2024: Forging Robust and Thriving LSPs in Africa

Join the Association of Language Companies in Africa on August 28-29, 2024, to discuss technology, talent development, market expansion, and more.

Ngnaoussi Elongué Cédric Christian

"It is my sincerest hope that representing Africa in MultiLingual magazine spurs more collaboration, so we can work collectively towards a truly multilingual future where all voices are heard."

Association of Language Companies in Africa (ALCA) Announces Pre-Launch Event

This event marks a significant milestone in the journey toward fostering collaboration, setting industry standards, and creating opportunities for LSPs across the continent.

ALCA: Pioneering the Transformation of Africa’s Language Services Sector

  The Association of Language Companies in Africa (ALCA) is a non-profit organization registered in August 2023 with a dedicated mission to promote the growth...