
Enabling the American Journey

Language access is a long-term investment that is more affordable and attainable than we might think. Deema Jaradat presents timely, cost-effective solutions for extending language access to ensure that every individual — regardless of their English proficiency — can navigate essential aspects of their American journey.

Call for Proposals | ULAC24 – Utah Language Access Conference 2024: Raising the Bar

The Utah Translators and Interpreters Association (UTIA) invites you to submit a presentation proposal for its 2024 Utah Language Access Conference: Raising the Bar. This...

Empowering Language Education: ECML’s Comprehensive Approach for 2024-2027

At the end of January, the European Center for Modern Languages (ECML) convened in Graz, Austria to mark the launch of its latest 2024-2027...

Report Shows Need for Investment in Language Study at US Universities

Many language programs at US colleges and universities remain strong despite challenging conditions, according to a comprehensive new report by the Modern Language Association.

Academy of Interpretation Partners with Harrisonburg Public Schools

The Academy of Interpretation, an organization dedicated to advancing the language services industry by setting high-quality interpreter standards and promoting education and experience, is excited to announce its partnership with Harrisonburg City Public Schools in Virginia.

Interpreters Unlimited to Host Webinar on Language Services in Schools

This exclusive online event is tailored to education professionals, administrators, and decision-makers who understand the significance of inclusive education and the transformative power of language services in schools.

How AI is changing the way we study languages

On July 25, Columbia professor and New York Times columnist John McWhorter presented readers with an interesting and provocative — perhaps overtly so — question: “Will translation...

Looking at Duolingo’s end-of-year report on language learning trends

In addition to platform-wide trends, folks who used the app for more than five days out of the year can access personalized insights neatly packaged into a Spotify Wrapped-esque report.

Ghent University adopts SubtitleNEXT to equip students for the future

Europe’s prestigious Belgian Ghent University has invested in the SubtitleNEXT platform for the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication to further empower students.