And Now For Something Completely Different … Comic Books

Google have released their new Chrome browser. Nice and simple, ‘though I won’t be switching to it as my main browser for a while yet. I’ll be sticking with Firefox.

That said, I was intrigued by the documentation that comes with it.

See for yourself at:

I really like the approach at getting the message across and challenging the accepted notions of user assistance that comes with these kind of products. Good job.

But I wonder how it will fare in translation? Can it be exported to SVG? XLIFF? Can SDL Worldserver do it?  Or “volunteers”? Or will there be a different version for the international versions (there should be an alternative version for accessibility anyway)?

How novel (groan)…

Ultan O Broin
Ultan Ó Broin (@localization), is an independent UX consultant. With three decades of UX and L10n experience and outreach, he specializes in helping people ensure their global digital transformation makes sense culturally and also reflects how users behave locally. Any views expressed are his own. Especially the ones you agree with.


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