Asian Languages Translation: a Book Inspired by Asian Languages and Created for Industry Professionals

True to our long-term commitment to bridge the gap between the East and the West, we’ve chosen to create a book on Asian languages and their translation. The idea behind this book is to highlight the essence of a professional translator. To showcase the slight differences and subtle nuances of culture and language which are not limited to only the proper use of vocabulary and grammar. Our belief is that this knowledge and understanding are essential when it comes to a skillful translation and it helps us be better at what we do.

About the Book

Asian Languages Translation – As Simple As It Gets is a collection of professional advice on Asian languages translation as seen from the role of the language service provider. It covers 14 of the most spoken and popular Asian languages with which our company works on a daily basis. Anyone can find something useful in it — professionals at any position in the translation industry as well as for people who are just starting.

We dug deeper than the standard facts about each — but not all — of the languages, we work with, and we’ve tried to make a compilation of facts and additional know-how that only practice can give you.

You’ll find tips and tricks on how to work with them, specifics on desktop publishing, and formatting and even advice on how to handle the project management and quotation process. All of the above are structured and easy to understand.

The book is out now in paperback, ready to be shipped straight away as well as in two different digital formats for download. 

You can find out more about it here: Asian Languages Translation – As Simple As It Gets

About the Publisher

1-StopAsia is in the translation industry for over 20 years and our main goal is not only to deliver translation services but at the same time, to be an ambassador between cultures and break language barriers. We believe that knowledge and experience are gained to share with others and thus the result is this book, which we now share with you. 

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